Monday, September 23, 2013

Face It: Intro

The personal intro:

Sometimes an outfit starts with a lipstick.

Not a specific shade of lipstick nor the opacity of a lipstick, the "warmth" or "coolness" of the lipstick, the texture, the degree of how long it lasts, the glossy or matte finish of the lipstick, the eye shadow palette that came with the lipstick, the variations in different kinds of light/darkness, the taste or smell of the lipstick...
Sometimes, it's just that time you said hello to an old friend, like donning your ex-friend's sweater just 'cause it's one of the comfiest, most "you" things you own. You might not even wear that lipstick outside-- you might be wearing it to do chores or to put you in the mindset to be creative in your wardrobe.

That lipstick that no longer holds its crisp angles or pristine, stainless barrel is a successful lipstick.
It's a lipstick for which you'd search had you misplaced it. It's the lipstick you swear you'll never throw out no matter how old it gets (regardless of possible health hazards).

That lipstick was once new. What sets it apart from all the others you see in a drug store or a department store or a beauty supply store? More importantly, how do you find its partner in the foundation department?

This blog is about finds: good finds, bad finds, discovered trends. If you're reading along, I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment!

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